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What do I absolutely need to Register my goat?

  • Full name (described below)

  • Date of Birth (estimate if you don't know)

  • Number of males and females in birth (don't worry if you don't know this)

  • Identification physically on your goat (USDA approved: Scrapie Tag, 840 Microchip or IGSCR-approved tattoo)

  • Clear side photo (if each side is different in color or pattern, both side photos are needed)

  • Name of the Breeder (If you are NOT the breeder, then Breeder-signed Bill of Sale/TRANSFER and Breeder-Signed registration application)

  • If you are not the breeder and you don't have the transfer/registration application, that's ok.  Just go back to the breeder and ask for one

  • But you don't know the lineage?  Hang on. IGSCR can absolutely work with you. They can help you through their reseach services or teach you to research.  IGSCR has specially designed Herdbooks to help out. Contact IGSCR

  • Did you know that it is extremely important to keep a record on your farm of the ownership of animals for five years that you have acquired or sent to new homes?  Also that is is the law to keep a record of the Identification on your goats?  Yes, it is the law. Not only is it law, but for your safety and that of your animal, it is vital. This, DNA and the Official Registration also help prevent theft and aid in prevention of getting into legal battles of who owns your goat. 

  • Don't buy a goat if seller doesn't have either the Registration Certificate or give you a signed Bill of Sale/Transfer Clearly identifying the animal along with its Identification.  If the animal is not Officially Registered, ensure that you obtain an IGSCR-Approved Registration Application from the person you are purchasing your goat from.  If you don't, the animal may not be able to be registered as a Purebred or Fullblood San Clemente Island goat. Also inspect the goat and ensure that is has one of the USDA-approved forms of Identification physically on the goat.

  • Fill out your Registration application HERE  or HERE

  • Pay for your registrations HERE and your transfers into your name HERE


Some Definitions

BreederPerson who owned the dam of goat being registered, at time of breeding


  • A breeder (described above) of an animal is the owner, unless they have done a change of ownership to someone else

  • Person who owns animal will have a bill of sale or transfer signed by the person they acquired the animal from

  • The person you acquired the animal from will also have a bill of sale or transfer from the former owner to them, IF they were not the breeder

Birth Types:

  • Natural buck pen or pasture breeding the doe

  • Prenatal: You acquired a pregnant doe. The offspring has a Prenatal Birth

  • Artificial Insemination: Semen was used to impregnate the dam. Official Registrations of the offspring of Artificial Insemination must be from Semen Officially accepted by IGSCR prior to the breeding. Please check with IGSCR before using semen. The sire will be DNA tested. The dam and offspring must also be DNA tested.  

  • Embryo Transplant: Embryo (egg) from a dam is inserted into a surrogate doe.  The Embroy donor dam must be DNA-tested through IGSCR and be accepted as an Embryo donor by IGSCR. The offspring must be DNA tested.

Full Name: Herdname of the breeder, followed by the name of the actual goat. If the breeder does not have a herdname and does not wish to apply for one through IGSCR, the resulting offspring will have the word "The" before your herdname

Herdname: Your IGSCR registered name for your herd, to ensure that nobody else has that name. Only one herd may use the same name.  This herd name is vital. Also at the time when you register your herd name with IGSCR, we will direct you to acquire your USDA Premise ID or assign you a herd ID tattoo code

USDA Approved IDBy federal law, all goats and sheep must have at least one form of USDA approved ID tracing back to the origin of the animal whenever the animal changes ownership.  Don't take our word for it.  As an official registry, IGSCR will NOT register animals without one form of USDA approved ID on the animal.  If your animal has lost the ID, then DNA testing may be required to ensure your animal actually is the animal you believe it to be.


Taking the photo


  • Stand goat on a level place

  • Hold head up if possible

  • Camera needs to be pointed in middle of belly and at the level of the goat

  • Many folks stand to one end or above the goat. This distorts the photo

  • Remember the photo will go on your registration Certificate. The photo is also crucial to ensure your goat meets Breed Description 


The more goats in a database, the more accurate, right?

  • Nope.  It isn't a race to find out how many goats we can put into the Official Registry or non-official databases out there.

  • What is vital, as a former long-term breeder (Truman Bernal) said, "Its not how many you can register (or record in any database), but how many you can breed who meet the breed description." He is so right.  Meeting the breed description is vital, or you may not even have a San Clemente Island goat. Official Registrations are vital to ensure that your goat does meet the breed description of what those goats are back to the island.  Official Registrations are vital to keeping the lineages pure from crossbreedling.


Let's Register your goat

  • Fill out the Registration application HERE  or HERE

  • Pay for your registrations HERE and your transfers into your name HERE



  • Registrations without photo physically on Registration Certificate $5.50

  • Registrations with photo physically on Registration Certificate $6.50

  • Transfers at time of initial Registration $2.50

  • Transfers after initial Registration $3.50 (with photo on certificate)

  • Transfers after initial Registration $4.50 (with photo on certificate)


© San Clemente Island Goat Foundation. All Rights Reserved. 

Absolutely no copying, without permission of the San Clemente Island Goat Foundation


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