What is IGSCR, LLC?
Official USDA approved registry
Official San Clemente Island goat registry since the goats were removed from the island
The Official Registry for the San Clemente Island Goats for over 40 years with Primary source documents, photos and histories
IGSCR is the primary source of Official Registrations for the San Clemente Island goat
Home of Official Pedigrees you can trust
How can IGSCR really help my in my Breeding Program?
True Conservation Registry working directly hand in hand with the breeders and owners one-on-one
DNA testing with extensive DNA database
DNA Parent testing through IGSCR database with currently around 125 San Clemente Island goats to test from
Because they are a the Official Registry for the San Clemente Island goats, you can be sure that they will work hard to ensure accuracy.
True preservation of the breed relies on the San Clemente Island goats being fully registered and transferred into your name, through the Official Registry, to ensure that accuracy, following the breed description of what the goats truly are and standardization. IGSCR doesn't just record and register any animal who looks like a San Clemente Island goat. Rather it work hard to ensure they ARE a San Clemente Island goat. Only through this, can we move this breed ahead and into the next level; out of the Critical list. This means at least 1000 Officially Registered each year.
You don't have your herd records in order? Not to worry. IGSCR works tirelessly to help you. They have worked with indivual farms to 'get their herds in order'. They teach, mentor and offer Research Services.
Developed milk and fiber testing to discover what the San Clemente Island goats are good for
Do we support IGSCR, LLC
We absolutely do. IGSCR, LLC has a long history in the San Clemente Island goat. They are the official registry for the breed, and hold the official registry and pedigree records for this breed. They are also very knowledgeable about what the breed is truly.
IGSCR has created the Registry-friendly Color and Characteristics charts, using historic photos, histories and Dr Sponenberg's San Clemente pattern.
We are working hand in hand with IGSCR in their DNA project, to bring you the best registration and pedigree service ever.
So do we personally register with IGSCR LLC??
We absolutely do. We have seen this registry in action. They can take a herd with virtually no information and transform it into a viable Purebred San Clemente Island goat herd. They have tools dedicated to ensuring accuracy and proving who and what these goats are.
IGSCR works one-on-one with you and ourselves.
We at San Clemente Island Goat Foundation recommend and request that you bring your herd to the Official San Clemenete Island herdbook, through IGSCR, LLC.